
I guess it appears that I no longer have any interest in blogging, but it is not true. Our family has been going through a rather challenging time lately with my dear sweet Grandma. After a short hospital stay, she is now home and doing somewhat better but as expected, it is not a “bounce back” kind of situation we are in.

Grandma with Tuki

Grandma suffers with Alzheimer’s Disease. If you have never experienced it, it is a horrible disease! Heart breaking and gut wrenching to watch. I can’t imagine how much more difficult it must be for our mom to see her own mother slowly slip away from her.

Thankfully, Grandma still recognizes her, although it is in her own way. Even though most days, she can’t remember that mom is her own daughter, she thinks it is her favorite sister Molly. (and I believe that even though in some ways it must be so painful for mom, she is still comforted that Grandma still has that “connection” with her)

As you can imagine, it is a very emotionally draining place to be. Some days are good and other days are just not. Period. I do not question why, because I know with all my heart that God is a loving God and that He loves her so much more than me or any of our family.

Now don’t get me wrong…

I am not saying it flippantly or casually. It is painful. It leaves me raw some days. It has even made me angry, not at anyone or anything particularly, just MAD. Mad that it is happening. Mad because she is my GRANDMA and I love her and I don’t want it to be happening to her. Then I have time to rest and refocus. I remember this promise from God: ” Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28

On a light note though, I also want to remember the good times with Grandma. Like her homemade oatmeal pecan cookies. OH MY GOODNESS! If you are soft and chewy kind of cookie lover, you may not be interested in this recipe. But……if you like a light and crispy cookie kind of gal or guy, you will love this recipe!

me….i’m flexible, it’s a cookie, what’s not to like!


Don’t you love how the writer (and I am the same way) always assumes you will KNOW how to mix everything together and cook it. LOL!

I will attempt to reach way back in the deep dark corners of my mind and remember how she did it. First I will give you the ingredients because as you can see in her hand written recipe, it is quite faded with time.

Grandma’s Oatmeal Cookies

3/4 cup of shortening, soft
1 cup brown sugar (i can not remember but i will say packed, but don’t hold me to it)
1/2 cup of white sugar
1 egg
1 cup of water
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 cup sifted flour
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 Tablespoon of baking soda
3 cups uncooked oats (quick oats, best I can recall)
here is my best recollection of how to make them.

In a separate bowl, go ahead and sift your flour with salt and soda added in it, and set it to the side.
Cream your shortening and sugars together until light and fluffy. (this takes a few minutes and it the color will lighten)
Add your egg and mix until incorporated. Then alternate with water and flour mixture. Start and end with your water. Now add your vanilla and stir.
(if you wanted to add pecan pieces, here would be the place to do that. use the amount you desire)
Now… is where the secret to her cookies started because honestly, she might have just dumped all the ingredients in a bowl and mixed it all together. I made an educated guess from my knowledge from culinary school and how we would make cookies 🙂 But this next step…I REMEMBER VERY, VERY WELL!
Take a spoon and put it in water. Every time you dip your spoon, get some dough and place it on your cookie sheet and then use the back of the spoon (make sure it has water on it) and press your cookie down just so slightly.
Then bake at 350 degrees until brown.

So, if you decide to try this recipe I hope that with every cookie you think of your grandmother. Or mother, dad, aunt, uncle…whoever took the time to show how much they loved you through the special gift of a cookie.

Better yet, if you are blessed to still have them in your life, make them a batch (or their favorite cookie) and go share it with them. Don’t just drop them off…take the TIME to sit down with them and enjoy the moment with them.

For we do not know what tomorrow will bring…..

Let them cool and you have the most wonderful crunchy oatmeal pecan cookies!

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